Tuesday 17 March 2015

Kath Walker-Timeline / Turning points / Achievements

1920-She was born in 1920. 1933 - She left school 1941 - She joined the Australian Women's Army service. 1958 - She joined the Queensland council for the advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. 1960 - She attended the FCAA annual conferences. 1962 - She became the first Queensland state secretary and she read her Aboriginal Charter of Rights. 1964 - She had become the first Aboriginal poet to see her work published.It was reprinted six times. 1968 - She attended a world council of churches consultation on racism in London. 1970 - She supported the Pittock amendments to the FCAAT 1970s- She returned to her Stradbroke Island. 1974 - She survived a hijacking in Dubai of airliner on which she was travelling. 1983 - She appointed to the Aboriginal Arts Board of the Federal Government Australia Council. 1987 - She changed her name to Oodgeroo Noonuccal. 1993 - She died aged 72 year. Turning points -She joined the Australian Women's Army Service,was a positive experience for her,she was accepted without prejudice and learned new skills. -She joined the communist party of Australia at a time when it was the only party that was vocal in its opposition to racial discrimination. - She was political philosophy changed when she attended a world council of churches consultation on racism in London. - She remained politically active, she returned to her beloved Stradbroke Island were art and education. - She changed her name to Oodgeroo Noonuccal. -She was appointed to the Aboriginal Arts Board of the Federal Government Australia Council. Achievements - She established Moongalba as a cultural and educational centre. - She worked for a treaty between Black and White Australians. - Her first collection of poems was reprinted six times over the next twelve months.

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